Whether you're a fortune 500 or a startup on the hustle, we've got the skills and experience to help you succeed.
Portfolio Get In TouchWe're passionate about taking your app ideas from inception and making them a reality.
A parody of huffingtonpost.com for harvardlampoon, the world's oldest continuously published humor magazine.
Launched in September 2014 and destined to run for one month, even Arianna Huffington had great things to say about it.
The site was designed to automatically scale up or down depending on the number on users online, so even though the site went viral right out the door, we never missed a beat.
50,000 pages views a day
Averaging 1.3 servers
A response time of less than 100ms
that's how we do scale...
Through StudyHall's business app 'HirePower', companies get exclusive access to thousands of people seeking jobs through an innovative hiring product that emphasizes a job candidate's skills over their resume.
iOS and Web app built in 7 weeks.
Escrow based payment processing.
Email & push notifications.
Peer to peer communication including text & images.
Web based API.
An online fantasy football real-time trading game where fans can buy or sell shares in football (soccer) players to build up an online portfolio of players.
Player prices changed in real time depending on their performance on the pitch as well as the trading activity of fans world wide and the highest priced portfolio at the end of the season wins.
Off the back of this MVP our client was able to secure seed funding, build an internal development team and launch ultimatefanlive during the 2014 world cup!
Real-time player pricing
Buy & sell virtual shares in football players
Transactional emails
EventSushi is a re-brand on our original product EventOverload.
As well as adding in events from meetup.com to the mix, we also added functionality to find all the photos, videos and audio associated with each event.
Over 1 million events parsed & cleaned from facebook.com, eventbrite.com, last.fm and meetup.com.
Aggregates events from facebook, eventbrite, meetup and last.fm
Enriches events with relevant photos, videos and audio
Blazingly fast event search engine
FUMA combines the best parts of fantasy football with the banter you get in the pub or online.
We believe marketing should be baked in to the fabric of your product, so we built FUMA on the facebook platform leveraging facebook in-app purchases and viral mechanics such as actions, game invites and wall posts.
We connected thousands of football fans throughout the world via a custom social networking engine supporting mentions, likes, posts, follows as well as direct messages.
Facebook in-app purchases
Viral marketing featured baked-in
Bespoke social network
Notifications via email & facebook
Sonali wanted to explain to potential clients the benefits of her life coaching service at a glance, without bombarding them with words.
We worked with her to identify the key messages she wanted to get across and then created a beautifully simple one page site highlighting them.
EventOverload is one of our own products, an event aggregator sourcing & cleaning events from facebook, eventbrite and last.fm and wrapping it all in a beautifully intuitive user interface.
After 1 year eventoverload was available in over 1000 cities worldwide.
We'd love to hear from you! Send an email to [email protected] and let's start the conversation.
Our rock-star dev team have built software for these great companies.
Get to market quicker and iterate faster than your competition.
Django is the server side technology powering some of the biggest web apps in the word, like Disqus , Pinterest & Instagram
Backed by Google, over the last 2 years AngularJS has become the premier framework for building truly dynamic front-end applications.
Using IonicFramework we can build both an iOS and an Android app, from the same code base, at the same time!
We're based in the vibrant area of Hackney Wick in the East End of London, where we design apps for amazing clients worldwide. Drop us a line or pop over for a coffee.